Musical comedy at its finest – Mel Brooks’ adaptation of his 1968 film, hailed as one of the funniest musicals ever written. Failing producer Max Bialystock and his accountant Leo Bloom scam a group of elderly women out of their nest eggs by convincing them to invest in a horrendously offensive Third Reich-themed musical secretly intended to bomb the moment it opens. When high-brow Broadway audiences mistakenly assume that “Springtime for Hitler” is a satire, Bialystock finds himself with the critical acclaim that has long eluded him – and the biggest hit of his career! Heinous hijinks artfully directed by Zack Balkcom with music direction by Mary Bastoni and choreography by Kristen McBride.
Year | Category | |
2001 | Best Musical | Winner |
The Tartan Terrors - A Celtic Invasion (7/5/24-7/6/24)
Deertrees Theatre is at 156 Deertrees Rd, Harrison, ME.
The Tartan Terrors - A Celtic Invasion (7/5/24-7/6/24)
On Golden Pond (6/28/24-6/30/24)
Susie Pepper Sings Carole and Bonnie (8/18/23-8/18/23)
An Evening at Dave's Sauna (8/4/23-8/5/23)
Piano Men - The Music of Elton and Billy (7/29/23-7/29/23)
Magic Bus - The Who Tribute Band (6/30/23-6/30/23)
Mark William: Come Croon With Me (7/11/21-7/11/21)
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (6/24/21-6/27/21)
'Art' (7/12/19-8/9/19)
Southworth Planetarium (1/10 - 1/18) | ||
Waterville Opera House (8/29 - 9/6) | ||
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Portland Stage (5/14 - 6/1) | ||
Murder on the Links
Portland Stage (1/29 - 2/23) | ||
Pining for You
Maine Beer Company (2/13 - 2/13) | ||
The Cottage
Waterville Opera House (1/31 - 2/9) | ||
Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical
Waterville Opera House (4/25 - 5/4) | ||
Irving Berlin’s White Christmas
Waterville Opera House (11/14 - 11/30) | ||
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