This smart comedy brings the family experience lovingly to the stage as we meet Nick, a young single man in New York who takes the time to visit both sets of grandparents in their Italian-American neighborhood for dinner at least once a week. On one of those visits, he announces that his employer will be promoting him and relocating him to Seattle in a few months. His grandparents then conspire to introduce him to a nice Catholic girl as a way of enticing him to stay local. The conversations between Nick and his grandparents are as hysterical as they are poignant as the play takes us on a joyous roller coaster ride through Nicks decision making process. A heartwarming and touching comedy.
The Encore Musical Theatre Company (12/5 - 1/12) HOLIDAY SHOW
| ||
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Center Stage Theatre (1/31 - 2/2) | ||
Fourteen Funerals
The Purple Rose Theatre Company (2/6 - 3/9) NEW COMEDY | ||
Murder Masquerade - A Valentine's Day Dinner Theatre Event
Monster Box Theatre (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
West Side Story
The Encore Musical Theatre Company (6/5 - 7/6) | ||
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Cornwell’s Dinner Theatre (8/28 - 10/18) | ||
The Naughty List
Cornwell’s Dinner Theatre (11/6 - 12/21) | ||
Tribute: The Beatles
The Encore Musical Theatre Company (1/23 - 1/26) | ||
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Fisher Theatre (1/28 - 2/2) | ||
Commotion: A Tribute to the Music of Creedence Clearwater Revival
Tibbits Opera House (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
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