Wheaton Drama, Inc. (WDI) will hold auditions for Ron Hutchinson’s Moonlight and Magnolias on Sunday, September 15 and Monday September 16 starting at 7pm. Callbacks: Tuesday, September 17, also at 7pm. All at WDI’s Playhouse 111 (111 N Hale, Wheaton, Il 60172). Show runs November 15 – December 8, 2019.
(Loosely) Based on real events, this fast-paced comedy recreates the finalization of the 1939 screenplay for Gone with The Wind. The cast is three men and one woman, featuring producer David O. Selznick, screenwriter Ben Hecht, and director Victor Fleming, supported throughout by Selznicks’s intrepid assistant, Miss Poppenghul.
Five-minute audition slots are available by appointment only. For initial auditions, Director Doug Long would like to see 1-minute monologues, preferably memorized. Callbacks will feature scene work in various combinations of characters. Headshots are helpful – we can take pics at auditions if necessary.
To request an audition time or to ask questions, please write to the show’s email:
wdimam2019@gmail.com and indicate a Sunday/Monday and/or early/late preference. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. No auditions will be scheduled after 945pm. Additional scheduling and performance details, plus audition forms can be found at
Available roles:
Ages are stage ages, not necessarily your age