Theatre FFY at Gorilla Tango’s Skokie Theatre Seeking Men and Women of all types for new comedy/horror! Description: Yes, that Roseanne. Fictional worlds collide in this original play; Halloween is a special night for Roseanne - but what happens when everyone's favorite domestic goddess switches places with Frankenstein's monster, Freaky-Friday style? Whether you're a fan of the classic American sitcom or Mary Shelley's epic tale, you're sure to enjoy an evening filled with bloody horror, dark comedy, and the most terrifying creature in modern history: Roseanne.
Audition Date: Saturday August 4th Audition Time: 5pm - 8pm Audition Location: Gorilla Tango's Skokie Theatre (7924 Lincoln Avenue, Skokie IL 60077) Pay: No pay, possible future pay Type/Restrictions: Seeking 4-5 females, 5-6 males. All types are welcome to audition! We’re specifically looking for a strong male to play Victor Frankenstein and a female to play the part of Roseanne (you don’t need to look like her – but you’ll need her attitude!)
The show is very character-driven, so experience with sketch/improv is a plus. If you’ve got comedy chops, this is the cast for you. Time Commitment: Rehearsals begin the final week of August; time TBD depending on cast. Show dates: 10/19, 10/20, 10/26, 10/27 @ 7:30PM All rehearsals and performances will be held at Gorilla Tango's Skokie Theatre. This location is accessible by public transit. Material to Prepare: Please prepare a 60-90 second comedic monologue. Be prepared to read from sides. To request audition appointment, email your headshot and resume to Seth Wanta at