This story follows the original tale of adventure and beautiful dance familiar to most Nutcrackers, but this one is made special with a particular Pittsburgh connection. Drosselmyer's cursed Nephew plays a significant part in the action, and later undergoes a miraculous transformation. Featured in the production is the famed Kaufman Clock, the F.W. McKee mansion and of course the view from Mt. Washington on what is now Grandview Avenue across to the bridges across the three rivers. The characters of Clara and the Nephew are aged up, so that it becomes a coming of age story, with a romantic tension between the Nephew and Marie.
Quintessential Chatham Baroque
Levy Hall, Rodef Shalom (3/16 - 3/16) | ||
Twelve Angry Men
New Hazlett Theater (5/2 - 5/11) | ||
Quintessential Chatham Baroque
Hicks Memorial Chapel, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (3/15 - 3/15) | ||
Peanut Butter & Jam Sessions - Love Notes
Calvary Episcopal Church (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
Years to the Day
Carnegie Stage (2/6 - 2/23) | ||
Pageant Pending
Kelly Strayhorn Theater (1/24 - 1/24) | ||
Some Like It Hot
Benedum Center for the Performing Arts (4/15 - 4/20) | ||
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