Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is a comedic musical set on the French Riviera, revolving around two conmen engaged in a hilarious competition to swindle wealthy women. Directed by Bobby Garcia, the production features music and lyrics by David Yazbek and a book by Jeffrey Lane, adapting the story from the film starring Steve Martin and Michael Caine. As the stakes rise, the con artists team up to outsmart each other, leading to a series of uproarious schemes and unexpected twists. The show blends humor with ambition, promising a delightful experience for audiences at the Avon Theatre.
Year | Category | |
2005 | Best Musical |
Annie (4/12/25-9/15/25)
As You Like It (4/15/25-9/10/25)
Macbeth (4/17/25-9/10/25)
Sense and Sensibility (4/20/25-9/5/25)
The Winter’s Tale (4/25/25-9/3/25)
Dangerous Liaisons (5/1/25-8/31/25)
Forgiveness (5/15/25-9/20/25)
Ransacking Troy (6/1/25-9/30/25)
The Art of War (6/10/25-9/29/25)
Salesman in China (8/3/24-10/26/24)
La Cage aux Folles (4/1/24-11/16/24)
Something Rotten! (4/1/24-11/18/24)
The African Company Presents Richard III (8/4/22-8/4/22)
Finally There’s Sun (9/9/21-9/26/21)
Serving Elizabeth (8/28/21-9/26/21)
Freedom (8/19/21-9/5/21)
R + J (8/12/21-9/26/21)
I Am William (8/4/21-9/5/21)
Tweed & Company Theatre (8/6 - 8/10) | ||
Hart House U of T Festival of Music
Hart House Theatre (1/17 - 1/18) | ||
Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical
Randolph Theatre (1/28 - 4/26) | ||
The Wolf in the Voice
Tarragon Theatre (2/4 - 2/23) | ||
Anything Goes
Port Colborne Operatic Society (2/15 - 3/2) | ||
Winter Solstice
Canadian Stage - Berkeley Street Theatre (1/14 - 2/2) | ||
Mary Poppins
Victoria Hall Concert Hall (4/3 - 4/12) | ||
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