A holiday family show filled with magic, humour, puppetry, special effects, and unforgettable characters, celebrating dreams, friendships, and the spirit of Toronto running for a limited time December 5-15 at the Red Sandcastle Theatre in Toronto. What could happen on a December evening just before the holidays? Something magical, of course — especially when you have a dreamy little mouse as a co-worker, wearing a broken coffee mug as her armour. She won’t stop bringing her dreams to life: dragons, talking oceans, magical winter horses — will the magic ever end? We hope not! Come and witness just how far your dreams can take you. Twisted Dog Theatre has created a holiday family show for all ages, filled with humorous characters, special effects, multimedia projections, songs, puppetry, drama, and unexpected story twists. This unique tale unfolds at a bustling crossroads in Toronto, a tribute to the city we call home, our roots, true self, dreams, and friendships. It’s a show to be remembered long after the holidays. Tickets for Unbelievably Believable start at just $24.99, with pricing options throughout the run for groups, seniors, arts workers, and other special rates. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit twisteddog.ca.
Red Sandcastle Theatre is at 922 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 2J5, Toronto, ON.
Speaking of Hilary (6/5/24-6/9/24)
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