In Life of Pi, sixteen-year-old Pi and his family set off to emigrate from India, but after their ship sinks in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Pi is left stranded on a lifeboat with just four other survivors: a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan, and a Royal Bengal tiger. more...
Life of Pi opened at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre (Broadway) on Thursday Mar 30, 2023 and has now been running for 3 months.
General Rush
Price: $40
Where: Schoenfeld Theatre box office
When: The box office opens at 10 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday and noon on Sunday.
Limit: Two per customer
Information: Determined at the discretion of the box office. Subject to daily availability.
Digital Lottery
Price: $45
When: The lottery is open for entries between midnight and 3 p.m. the day before each performance. Winners are drawn at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and they have five hours to claim and purchase their tickets for the next day's performance.
Limit: Two per customer
Information: Subject to availability.