“Springsteen on Broadway” is a unique evening with Bruce Springsteen, his guitar, a piano, and his very personal stories. Based on his worldwide best-selling autobiography 'Born to Run,' the show's original run in 2017 and 2018 included 236 sold-out performances at Jujamcyn's Walter Kerr Theatre and earned Springsteen a Special Tony Award.
'I'll See You in My Dreams,' which closed the show, served as a hopeful, uplifting cap to an evening filled with stories about deceased family members and friends, and also gave hardcore fans the opportunity to hear a Springsteen song they had never heard in person before.
He yelled and casually cursed a bit more, and certain reminisces - which are based on his 'Born to Run' autobiography - have been abridged, rushed or extended, as would anyone who's telling the same story for the 237th time. He also changed up his delivery on several songs in a singalong-defying way: 'Growin' Up' had jittery strumming; 'Born in the U.S.A.' is even more of a gospel-blues holler, played with a slide on 12-string guitar; he sang 'Thunder Road' in his Woody Guthrie-esque semi-Southern accent.
2017 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
2021 | Broadway |
Broadway |