Anastasia Barzee, known for her extensive career in theatre, film, and television, once graced the stage in "Take Me Along," showcasing her versatile talent that has spanned over four decades. more...
Donna Bullock, a versatile and critically acclaimed actress known for her work in theater, film, and television, brought her considerable talent to the stage in "Take Me Along." more...
Beth Glover, known for her versatile performances, was part of the Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Nominated Revival of *Take Me Along* at the Irish Repertory Theatre in NYC, where she portrayed the role of Lily. more...
William Parry, known for his extensive Broadway career including roles in "Sunday in the Park with George" and "Jesus Christ Superstar," brought his seasoned talent to the cast of "Take Me Along" more...
Emily Skeggs portrayed Muriel in the 2008 Off-Broadway production of *Take Me Along* at the Irish Rep, a revival that earned a Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding Revival. more...
Don Stephenson, who portrayed Sid Davis in the 2008 production of *Take Me Along* at The Irish Repertory Theatre, has an extensive Broadway and Off-Broadway career, including originating roles in *Titanic* and *Parade*. more...