This spring, an unforgettable story becomes an unforgettable Broadway show. Based on the classic book that continues to touch millions, this stunning new production will transport you to a magical world unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
After an aviator descends from the sky to find himself in the middle of the desert, he meets the Little Prince, a young hero on an extraordinary adventure. Join the Little Prince on his journey as he meets many fascinating characters who help him learn how to follow his heart.
A fantasy of imaginative storytelling that combines theatrical stagecraft with aerial artistry, soaring music and electrifying choreography, THE LITTLE PRINCE is a spectacular immersive experience you’ll never forget. Coming to Broadway on March 4 through August 14 only. Don’t miss your chance… take flight with us!
It takes work to stay engaged with this production of 'The Little Prince.' Work that challenged adults (the couple next to me was one of many to leave at intermission), in addition to the children it is targeted towards. This, coming from a critic who went in prepared to 'oohh' and 'aahh.' Never did I imagine that the theatrical adaptation of a childhood favorite would require the most adultlike patience to endure
Even after an uneven opening stretch, and even if you are not quite sure what is going on after that, it doesn't matter. The Little Prince is a meditative experience, a bath of colors and sounds, directed and choreographed by Anne Tournié. The show's shifting tableaux are best experienced as a kind of fairground for the senses, no illicit substances required. It is unusual to see something on a Broadway stage that is a visual treat, without overdoing the visuals-that conveys wonder but subtly. It feels experimental, unpolished, and ambitious, all in good ways.
2022 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
West End |
West End |